Load-adaptive resource management for green Wireless-Optical Broadband Access Network (WOBAN)

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Journal of Lightwave Technology


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.


School of Engineering




Ahmed, M (2016). "Load-Adaptive Resource Management for Green Wireless-Optical Broadband Access Network (WOBAN)". Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34 (10), 2359-2370. Available here


Wireless-optical broadband access network (WOBAN) is regarded as a promising broadband access network technology for meeting the challenges of the exponential increase in Internet traffic. WOBAN combines the reliability and capacity of the passive optical network (PON) with the ubiquity and mobility of the wireless network to cost efficiently deliver services to the end user. In common with other next generation communication networks, WOBAN faces the challenge of delivering very high data rates without sacrificing the quality of service (QoS) and energy efficiency. In this paper, we propose a new resource management technique for improving the energy efficiency of the integrated optical-wireless unit in WOBAN. The concept is based on increasing the idle time of the wireless and optical parts without sacrificing the QoS of end applications, and exploiting idle durations to enable sleep, which ultimately boosts power savings. We use the interoperability for resource management in the wireless and optical parts to maintain the QoS. Our results reveal that extending the idle time and making the resource management in both optical and wireless adapt to the daily traffic fluctuations guarantee the QoS requirements for different traffic and boost energy savings in WOBAN. © 2016 IEEE.



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