A Survey of Lawyers’ Cyber Security Practises in Western Australia

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Association of Digital Forensics, Security and Law

Place of Publication

Florida, USA


School of Science




Valli, C., Johnstone, M., & Fleming, R. (2018). A Survey of Lawyers’ Cyber Security Practises in Western Australia. In Choo, R. Dampier, D. & Beebe, N. (Eds.) Annual ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law (pp 219-226). Florida, USA: University of Texas, San Antonia, USA Available here


This paper reports on the results of a survey that is the initial phase of an action research project being conducted with the Law Society of Western Australia. The online survey forms a baseline for the expression of a targeted training regime aimed at improving the cyber security awareness and posture of the membership of the Society. The full complement of over 3000 members were given the opportunity to participate in the survey, with 122 members responding in this initial round. The survey was designed to elicit responses about information technology use and the awareness of good practices with respect to cyber security within the legal profession. The legal profession is one of the most sensitive with respect to loss of information that would affect legal professional privilege where exposure can have catastrophic consequences. We found that, comparable with other professions, lawyers do claim to use effective countermeasures on their laptops, but largely ignore their mobile phones, which highlights a particular class of risks for the profession.

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