Vim suppression for a fsr with a co-centric porous sheath around the buoyancy can: Effects of mesh orientation and diameter ratio

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


American Society of Mechanical Engineers


School of Engineering




Crosswell, J., & Balash, C. (2018, June). VVim suppression for a fsr with a co-centric porous sheath around the buoyancy can: Effects of mesh orientation and diameter ratio. In ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (pp. V002T08A053-V002T08A053).

Available here.


Here, we experimentally studied the vortex-induced motion (VIM) of a free-standing riser (FSR; 1:65 scale model) with and without a porous metal screen (‘sheath’) placed co-centrically around the buoyancy can (BC). Specifically, we investigated the effects of mesh orientation (square and square rotated 45° in its own plane) and screen-BC diameter ratio (1.1 and 1.2) over a range of flow velocities. BC motions were recorded with a submersible camera; and inline (IL) and cross-flow (CF) amplitudes were then estimated with a motion tracking software. As expected, the installation of the screen changed the natural frequency of the models. Furthermore, the screen increased the reduced velocity at which the lock-in occurred, delaying it by a factor of ∼1.2 and ∼1.4 for the CF and IL respectively. All sheathed models had a prominent reduction in IL amplitudes compared to the bare/unsheathed BC; and at smaller flow velocities, the sheathed models also exhibited significantly lower CF motions, particularly those with a greater screen-BC diameter ratio.



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