Date of Award
Document Type
Edith Cowan University
Degree Name
Master of Education
School of Education
First Supervisor
Dr Kuki Singh
Specialist primary teachers confront the challenging task of teaching extensive learning content of the Western Australian Curriculum, within limited weekly timetabled lessons. This was the motivating factor behind this study aimed at investigating the use of self-tracking video technology as a tool for teacher reflection, to guide enhancement of student engagement and learning in the specialist classroom. Reflective practice is integral to monitoring and improving teaching pedagogy but without an effective reflection tool, it can potentially be a waste of time.
The capacity for a teacher to engage in reflection-on-action through real time video analysis enables a deeper understanding of pedagogical practices. This thesis explores the concept of reflection-on-action and the use of self-tracking video technology as a means to enhance student engagement in a specialist primary Science and Health classroom.
Recommended Citation
Standley, T. N. (2019). Video cued teacher reflection to guide enhancement of student engagement in a specialist primary classroom. Edith Cowan University. Retrieved from