Date of Award


Document Type



Edith Cowan University

Degree Name

Doctor of Information Technology


School of Computer and Security Science


Faculty of Communications, Health and Science


Information and Communication Technology (lCT) may not just be for younger people or people who are still working. This study shows that it can be of importance lar groups of senior people who are healthy and still have the desire to use their skills, abilities, and knowledge to assist or support our modern society. The particulnr groups of senior people concemed in this sludy were Thai senior educators above 60 from universities in Thailand living in Bangkok. The aims of this study concentrate on how they use lCT to attain their professional goals (research and teaching activities). It explores their beliefs, attitudes, the level of their needs of lCT for their professional goals and endeavours to find out what lCT is suituble. Another aim of the study is to investigate and recommend the best way of leaming how to use appropriate lCT for their professional lives.
