Date of Award
Document Type
Edith Cowan University
Degree Name
Master of Science
School of Exercise, Biomedical and Health Science
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
First Supervisor
Dr Peter Roberts
Second Supervisor
Dr Richard Brightwell
The Paramedic's role requires them to attend many patients in cardiac arrest. The victim' s survival depends on a variety of issues, such as previous medical history, pathological cause of cardiac arrest, presenting cardiac arrest dysrhythmias, and the time elapsed before medical aid is administered. The purpose of this present study was to review current practice advocated by St John Ambulance Service WA for the treatment of the cardiac arrest dysrhythmia `asystole'. At present, certain victims of an asystolic arrest are treated and transported to hospital irrespective of time in arrest. As such, questions are raised as to the suitability of transporting these patients with respect to actual or possible patient survival.
Recommended Citation
Symons, A. (2007). Is the treatment and transport of asystolic cardiac arrest patients to hospital by ambulance services appropriate?. Edith Cowan University. Retrieved from