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A main strategy for a luxury or upscale hotel to succeed in a competitive market is to develop a strong brand which is recognised, trusted and preferred by the consumers. This strength of a brand is defined as the consumer-based brand equity. There is limited research identifying factors that drive consumer-based brand equity in the specific sectors of luxury and upscale hotels. This limits managers in this sector in being able to efficiently manage their brands. Therefore, the current research investigated antecedents and measurements of consumer-based brand equity, based on the specific hotel consumers’ expectations and perceptions of a strong brand (e.g. a reputable business endorsed by the consumer community, a complex outlet where consumers need to consistently feel comfortable and desired, and a business promise about the quality and reliability). The prevalent influence of the consumer-generated content online to hotel brand equity has also been tested in the current research. A mixed method using focus groups and an online questionnaire in the sequential stages has been adopted with detailed findings presented in the poster.
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School of Business and Law
Recommended Citation
Shan, Sharon, "The consumer-based brand equity development in the Australian luxury and upscale hotel sector" (2016). ECU Posters.
Shan, S. (2016). The consumer-based brand equity development in the Australian luxury and upscale hotel sector. Poster presented at the ECU Research Week, Friday 23rd September. School Of Business and Law. Research Centre Showcase. Growing Research in the School of Business and Law.