Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring








School of Medical and Health Sciences / Centre for Precision Health


Science and Industry Endowment Fund / Dementia Collaborative Research Centres / Victorian Government’s Operational Infrastructure Support program / Alzheimer’s Research Australia / National Health and Medical Research Council / The Yulgilbar Foundation / Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital / Cogstate Ltd / Hollywood Private Hospital / University of Melbourne / St Vincent’s Hospital / Murdoch University / Alzheimer’s Association (US) / Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation

Grant Number

NHMRC Number : GNT1197315

Grant Link


Pivac, L. N., Brown, B. M., Sewell, K. R., Doecke, J. D., Villemagne, V. L., Doré, V., . . . Rainey-Smith, S. R. (2024). Suboptimal self-reported sleep efficiency and duration are associated with faster accumulation of brain amyloid beta in cognitively unimpaired older adults. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 16(2), article e12579.


INTRODUCTION: This study investigated whether self-reported sleep quality is associated with brain amyloid beta (AB) accumulation. METHODS: Linear mixed effect model analyses were conducted for 189 cognitively unimpaired (CU) older adults (mean ± standard deviation 74.0 ± 6.2; 53.2% female), with baseline self-reported sleep data, and positron emission tomography-determined brain AB measured over a minimum of three time points (range 33.3–72.7 months). Analyses included random slopes and intercepts, interaction for apolipoprotein E (APOE) 4 allele status, and time, adjusting for sex and baseline age. RESULTS: Sleep duration < 6 hours, in APOE 4 carriers, and sleep efficiency < 65%, in the whole sample and APOE 4 non-carriers, is associated with faster accumulation of brain AB. DISCUSSION: These findings suggest a role for self-reported suboptimal sleep efficiency and duration in the accumulation of Alzheimer's disease (AD) neuropathology in CU individuals. Additionally, poor sleep efficiency represents a potential route via which individuals at lower genetic risk may progress to preclinical AD. Highlights: In cognitively unimpaired older adults self-report sleep is associated with brain amyloid beta (AB) accumulation. Across sleep characteristics, this relationship differs by apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype. Sleep duration < 6 hours is associated with faster brain AB accumulation in APOE 4 carriers. Sleep efficiency < 65% is associated with faster brain AB accumulation in APOE 4 non-carriers. Personalized sleep interventions should be studied for potential to slow AB accumulation.



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