Habitual exercise levels are associated with cerebral amyloid load in presymptomatic autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease
Belinda M. Brown, Edith Cowan UniversityFollow
Hamid R. Sohrabi, Edith Cowan UniversityFollow
Kevin Taddei, Edith Cowan UniversityFollow
Samantha Gardener, Edith Cowan UniversityFollow
Stephanie Rainey-Smith, Edith Cowan UniversityFollow
Jeremiah J. Peiffer
Chengjie Xiong
Anne M. Fagan
Tammie Benzinger
Virginia Buckles
Kirk I. Erickson
Roger Clarnette
Tejal Shah
Colin L. Masters
Michael Weiner
Nigel Cairns
Martin Rossor
Neill R. Graff-Radford
Stephen Salloway
Jonathan Vöglein
Christoph Laske
James Noble
Peter R. Schofield
Randall J. Bateman
John C. Morris
Ralph Martins, Edith Cowan UniversityFollow
Author Identifier
Belinda Brown
Hamid Reza Sohrabi
Kevin Taddei
Samantha L Gardener
Ralph Martins
Document Type
Journal Article
Publication Title
Alzheimer's & Dementia
School of Medical and Health Sciences
National Health and Medical Research Council
Grant Number
NHMRC Number : 1097105
Introduction: The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between self-reported exercise levels and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) biomarkers, in a cohort of autosomal dominant AD mutation carriers.
Methods: In 139 presymptomatic mutation carriers from the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network, the relationship between self-reported exercise levels and brain amyloid load, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Ab42, and CSF tau levels was evaluated using linear regression.
Results: No differences in brain amyloid load, CSFAb42, or CSF tau were observed between low and high exercise groups. Nevertheless, when examining only those already accumulating AD pathology (i.e., amyloid positive), low exercisers had higher mean levels of brain amyloid than high exercisers. Furthermore, the interaction between exercise and estimated years from expected symptom onset was a significant predictor of brain amyloid levels.
Discussion: Our findings indicate a relationship exists between self-reported exercise levels and brain amyloid in autosomal dominant AD mutation carriers.
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Brown, B. M., Sohrabi, H. R., Taddei, K., Gardener, S. L., Rainey-Smith, S. R., Peiffer, J. J., . . . Erickson, K. I. (2017). Habitual exercise levels are associated with cerebral amyloid load in presymptomatic autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 13(11), 1197-1206. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jalz.2017.03.008