Date of Award
Document Type
Edith Cowan University
Degree Name
Bachelor of Social Sciences Honours
School of Psychology and Social Sciences
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
The experience and aftermath of male sexual violence is a lived reality for many girls and women. This qualitative study explores the subjective experience of childhood rape and its long-term impact focusing in particular on the implications of the silencing that continues to surround what is a deeply-felt and traumatic experience with profound life-altering consequences. The study thematically and theoretically reads the subjective experience of childhood rape within current feminist understandings of rape as a crime of violence and form of social control through the use of evocative autoethnographic writing and an exegesis.
Recommended Citation
Downing, B. J. (2008). Dancing on the edge of silence : Steps towards articulating the experience of childhood rape. Edith Cowan University.