Theses from 2025
The effectiveness of tech support fraud in damaging older individual’s financial security, Vanessa Perera
Theses from 2024
Pleasures and politics: Moving towards a feminist performance practice, Delaney Burke
Beyond monster and maiden: Emancipating female characters in the Australian gothic, Asha Butcher
Te Wakahuia: Coming to know lineage through dance improvisation and archival poetics, Harrison Cook
Producing ‘bedroom pop’ music: A compositional project that employs production and compositional techniques identified through analysis of select Chelsea Cutler songs, Anna Therese Dabbs
The early string chamber music of Agnes Zimmermann, Miranda Dyskin
A practice-led investigation into applying the pianistic qualities of guitarist Lenny Breau’s artificial harmonics to a contemporary music setting, Joshua Luke Fairweather
Movement in 2D: Analysing notation systems for movement-based percussion, Cassandra Loy
Applying the principles of periodisation to supplementary training for dance to reduce risks of overtraining, Sophie Molony
Steve Grossman, the catalyst: A practice-led research investigation into developing a chromatic approach to improvisation, Joshua Parker
Theses from 2023
Reading the cultural landscape in suburban Boorloo/Perth: A visual inquiry, Sharon B. Callow
The nexus between warm up preparation and optimal performance, Elizabeth Chapman
The space between writing and dancing: Dancingwords/wordsthatdance, Lara Dorling
Playing music: Reconsidering game pieces through tabletop roleplaying game design, Izabelle French
"I don't want to dance anymore" - rediscovering the joy of dance beyond chronic pain, Amelie K. Ladyman
Chopin’s polonaise in ab major, op.53: Constructing an informed interpretation, Arielle X. Lu
Reductio ad absurdum: A practice-led study of an absurd play, Andrew J. Macleod
The mask & me: Exploring the correlations between autistic masking and performance, Mariah A. O'Dea
Leadership in interdisciplinary collaboration: Holding space for psychological safety and peak performance, Xin H. Ong
A musical analysis of Tosin Abasi's contemporary guitar techniques, thumping and selective picking, on the madness of many (2016), Ashton Weaver
Exploring Nate Smith’s approach to improvising on the two-piece drum-kit through analysis of selected performances with the fearless flyers, Zachary S. Wise
Theses from 2022
Writing for multiple voices: A compositional project that employs the vocal composition and arranging techniques used by Imogen Heap, Shanae E. Campbell
How to succeed as a portfolio career percussionist in one of the world's most remote cities, Madeline G. Colvin
Evaluating ideasthesia as a creative tool in compositional practice: A personal reflection on coloured hearing synesthesia, Suzanne Kosowitz
Moments in performance: Developing an aid for articulation and reflection, Shelby R. McKenzie
Mindfulness in building a collaborative and sustainable choreographic practice, Casey Triplett
Awaken the dreamer: An ontology of dreams in the raven cycle, dreamstrider, and the dreamwalker trilogy, Clinton J. Visser
Emotional wellbeing, vulnerability and state-based choreography, Grace White
Theses from 2021
Adapting barbershop harmony for the saxophone quartet, Jonathon Astbury
A genetic investigation of anticoagulant rodenticide resistance in Mus musculus of Western Australia: Implications for conservation and biosecurity, Bridget Judith Maria Lucrezia Duncan
Melodic improvisation strategies found in the improvisation of Peter Bernstein, Samuel H. Forster
An examination of Graham Fitkin’s saxophone music and implications for the modern saxophonist, Sean Hayes
Supervisors’ experience of emotion work in higher degree by research supervision, Natalia Hazell
Poverty and social security experiences in Australia: Experiences of wellbeing for recipients of the 2020 JobSeeker payment, Kira Huntley
The improvisational art of Shenzo Gregorio: Exploring his transition from classical violinist to cross-genre improviser, Judith A. Iddison
Developing a music composition practice: Exploring the choreography of cymatics, Joshua Jervis
Things are not always what they seem: An investigation of selfhood within an interconnected world, Aliesha V. King
A father at 1.5 metres: Poems of pandemic and fatherhood, Edward J. Leeming
Exploring the relationship of students’ emotional responses to feedback with their wellbeing and subsequent academic behaviours, Agustine Ruth Liyanti
Design, sound and compositional aesthetic: The grand piano in late eighteenth-century London and Vienna, Izaac Masters
Representations of chronic migraine and therapy through new electronic music composition, Peter Mcavan
The Matusiflute: A bi-timbral flute modification and the cultural influences that inform its performance practice and repertoire, Joshua Gabriel McMahon
Exploring and reapplying Wayne Krantz’s method of constructing the album Greenwich Mean, Christian A. Meares
Multimodal learning for dyslexic musicians: Practical applications for adults, Melissa Mikucki
Perspectives on the relationship between theatre and education: A West Australian case study, Ceri Anne Nordling
The art of unknowing: Using improvisation to explore kinaesthetic attention in contemporary dance repertoire, Jessica Pettitt
Development of GC-FID-Methanizer method to detect products from electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide gas, Hailee Philipps
An investigative practice-led project into the vocal characteristics in Jeff Buckley’s song ‘Grace’, Madoc R. Plane
The influence of camera perspective and viewer attitudes towards police on perceptions of police-civilian encounters, Anna-Louise Skidmore
Navigating the educational bottleneck: Psychological distress, academic burnout and potential protective factors in psychology Honours students, Chelsea Thompson
Making space for themselves: Lesbian separatism in Western Australia, Amber-Lia Van Aurich
Western Australian older adults’ perspectives on voluntary assisted dying: An in-depth qualitative investigation, Faye Rebecca Woodward
Exploring a compositional practice through the lens of The Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto, Jie Hong Yang
Theses from 2020
Silent chill: A spectral analysis of Akira Yamaoka’s Silent Hill 2 original soundtrack, Casey Nicole Atkinson
A comprehensive analysis of smart ship systems and underlying cybersecurity issues, Dennis Bothur
Glass ceilings and nylon strings: Reflections on Australian women’s contribution to classical guitar repertoire, Abbey Lee Bradstreet
Professional self-care practices, emotional work and burnout in Australian psychology academics, Claudia Yael Hoenig
Contextual tuning as a compositional technique: Investigating the paradigms of Jacob Collier’s music, Madeleine Hughes
Facilitating flow state: Preparatory processes for entering the flow state in dance, Alexandra Kay
So how does elastic grammar create meaning in children’s literature?: Storytelling and elastic grammar in Haroun and the Sea of Stories (1990), Inkheart (2003), and A Monster Calls (2011), Kate Lomas Glendenning
Johann Melchior Gletle’s Expeditionis Musicæ Classis II, Op. 2: An Edition and Commentary, Michael James Clifton Lukin
Aletheia: The Orphic Ouroboros, Glen McKnight
Does providing pill testing at festivals increase intention to use Ecstasy?, Sherri Lee Murphy
“You crossed my mind … before?”: An intertextual analysis of songs from 'To Pimp A Butterfly', Colin Outhwaite
Attitudes towards immigration-relevant decision-making: The roles of fairness judgements and national identity, Tessa Phipps
The evolving definitions of natural movement in dance, Bethany Reece
The impact of singing on pulmonary function and quality of life in patients with Muscular Dystrophy, Mia Simonette
Julien Wilson: Improvisation and timbral manipulation on selected recordings with the Julien Wilson Trio, Maximillian Wickham
Exploring the influence of emotional labour, emotional intelligence, emotional regulation, and emotional valence on employee job satisfaction and burnout, Kirsty Lee Wilson
Theses from 2019
Mobilising memes for unionist teens: An analysis of the social media use of an Australian hospitality union, Lili M. Archer
The characteristics and components of national identity in Australia, Kate Brown
“Some of them never met us in real life and see what we do, they only see us through the media”: Lived experiences of three young West Australian South Sudanese men, Elizabeth Chiwawa
Waiting for a queer change: Gender identity through performative waiting and the Boudoir Chronotope in Call Me By Your Name, Gregory R. Clarke
The Performer-Composer: A reimagined career pathway for the modern-day saxophonist, Jazmin Ealden
Avoiding stigma: Influences on Australian news reporting of drug issues and suggestions for improvement, Andrew L. Fewster
Facial re-enactment, speech synthesis and the rise of the Deepfake, Nicholas Gardiner
‘Bloodwood’ and ‘Liminal Spaces, Timeless Places: Abjection, Liminality and Landscape in Australian Gothic Fiction’, Karleah Olson
su dansi. A dance film – and – Dancing elements: The making of su dansi - a dance film. An exegesis, Johanna Omodei
Image-based sexual abuse: A qualitative exploration of the lived experience and perceived consequences for women, Brienna L. Webb
Theses from 2018
Rock ‘n’ roll radio: A case study of ‘tactics’ and teenage identity in Perth, WA, 1955-1960, Lorna Baker
Cognitive imagery training in a dancer’s deliberate practice: Skills development, confidence and creativity, Sasha Brampton
Finding companionship on the road less travelled: A netnography of the Whole Food Plant-Based Aussies Facebook group, Robyn Chuter
Neoteric Drum Set Orchestration: An analysis of Nate Wood’s drumming on the music of Tigran Hamasyan, Ryan George Daunt
Saving behaviour in the Australian dream: Its relationship with aspiration and motivation, financial literacy, and materialism, Ming d’Iapico-Bien
The interaction between postminimalist music and contemporary dance, Azariah Felton
SNAC_OSHC: Exploring a multifaceted approach to develop outside of school hours care as a health promoting setting, Karen Forde
Layered analytical graphs: analysing and composing using the harmonic techniques of Wayne Shorter and Chick Corea, Samuel Hadlow
Apology effectiveness: The impact of prior wrongful behaviour and voluntariness of apologies within juvenile justice, Isolde Larkins
Using EEG data to predict engagement in face-to-face conversations, Brooke Maddestra
Analysing intonation of the Pied Butcherbird, Jean-Michel Maujean
An exploration of trumpet valve rotation: Its mechanics, sound, and notation, Daniel Francis O'Connor
Captured At The Scene: A proposal for the admissibility of visually recorded scene statements from domestic violence complainants in Western Australia, Benjamin Procopis
The rhythmic, harmonic and phrasing language of Lennie Tristano: Analysis and strategies for incorporation in modern jazz improvisation, Austin Salisbury
Creative awareness at LINK dance company 2017, Lauren Ebony Sherlock
Muslim veiled women and religious discrimination: A strength perspective, Aishath Shizleen