Australian Counter Terrorism Conference
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
SRI Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia
The increase of international cyberterrorism in recent years has resulted in computer-based criminal activities that generate worldwide fear, destruction and disruption. National laws and policies that address cyberterrorism are mainly limited to developed nations and are not cohesive in managing 21st century cyberterrorism. Given the absence of an international legal framework to address cyberterrorism, authorities and governments around the world face extreme challenges in finding and prosecuting those responsible for cyberterrorism. This article argues for the need for a cohesive international legal framework; highlights key elements to establish an effective international legal framework; and identifies existing international treaties and cross-border agreements that could be expanded to provide legislative guidelines for prosecution.
3rd Australian Counter Terrorism Conference, Novotel Langley Hotel, Perth, Western Australia, 3rd-5th December, 2012