Australian Digital Forensics Conference
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
secau Security Research Centre, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia
Wireless networking provides a ready and cost effective solution for business applications. It has escalated in popularity mainly due to the ability to form computer networks without a wired based infrastructure. However, accompanying the widespread usage also comes the inherent prospect of criminal misuse, including unauthorized application and the launch of system attacks. This paper presents the testing of an innovative Wireless Forensic Model (WFM) system that provides capability for acquisition and preservation of wireless network traffic (802.11) frames by implementing a wireless drone architecture. It is thus a forensic readiness system providing available evidence for forensic investigation. The results show that the tested system has the ability to collect upwards of 90% of all frames, as well as evidence and detection of attacks conducted against the wireless network.
9th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, Edith Cowan University, Perth Western Australia, 5th -7th December 2011