Australian Security and Intelligence Conference
Submissions from 2015
A secure sharing design for multi-tag RFID authentication protocol, Ayad Al-Adhami, Marcel Ambroze, Colin Cristopher, Ingo Stengel, and Martin Tomlinson
Creating an operational security management structure for inimical environments: Papua New Guinea as a case study, William J. Bailey
Efficacy of property marking as a situational crime prevention strategy, David J. Brooks, Michael Coole, Chauncey Johnson, Jeff Corkill, and Malcolm Jenkinson
Does a weak security discourse provide opportunity for security deviance to flourish?, Michael P. Coole and Jeff Corkill
Attributes of an analyst: What we can learn from the intelligence analysts job description, Jeffrey D. Corkill, Teresa Kasprzyk Cunow, Elisabeth Ashton, and Amanda East
Evaluating small drone surveillance capabilities to enhance traffic conformance intelligence, Brian Cusack and Reza Khaleghparast
CCTV surveillance: The differing aims and functions of CCTV within the corporate stratum, Johan Malmenbratt and David J. Brooks
Violent-extremism: An examination of a definitional dilemma, Jason-Leigh Striegher
Formation of the radical self: Constructs of change in western youth to acts of terrorism on home-soil, Robyn Torok
Institutionalised moral reframing: A research based model on Islamic radicalisation on social media, Robyn Torok
Symbiotic radicalisation strategies: Propaganda tools and neuro linguistic programming, Robyn Torok
Submissions from 2014
Countering crime in hostile environments: Securing vulnerable humanitarian aid workers in Papua New Guinea, William J. Bailey
I remember Richelieu: Is anything secure anymore?, Michael G. Crowley and Michael N. Johnstone
Understanding the role of social groups in radicalisation, Kira Harris, Eyal Gringart, and Deirdre Drake
The bad guys are using it, are you?, Hong-Eng Koh
7th Australian Security and Intelligence Conference, 2014, Edith Cowan University: Conference details, Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan University, Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan University
Efficacy of property marking: Police identification of stolen property, Craig Separovic and David J. Brooks Dr.
Submissions from 2013
Breaking the Theft-Chain-Cycle: Property Marking as a Defensive Tool, William J. Bailey and David J. Brooks
The Contemporary Australian Intelligence Domain - A Multi Dimension Examination, Alan Davies and Jeff Corkill
Is Emergency Management Considered a Component of Business Continuity Management?, Kenny Frohde and David J. Brooks
Physical Security Barrier Selection: A Decision Support Analysis, Agnieszka Kiszelewska and Michael Coole
An Exploratory Study of the Lived Experience of Being an Intelligence Analyst, Sharon Moss, Jeff Corkill, and Eyal Gringart
Submissions from 2012
Creating a Counter-Insurgency Plan: Elements Required Based upon a Comparative Analysis of Research Findings, William J. Bailey
Defence in Depth, Protection in Depth and Security in Depth: A Comparative Analysis Towards a Common Usage Language, Michael Coole, Jeff Corkill, and Andrew Woodward
Understanding the Vulnerabilities in Wi-Fi and the Impact on its Use in CCTV Systems, Michael Coole, Andrew Woodward, and Craig Valli
Representing Variable Source Credibility in Intelligence Analysis with Bayesian Networks, Ken McNaught and Peter Sutovsky
The Intelligence Game: Assessing Delphi Groups and Structured Question Formats, Bonnie Wintle, Steven Mascaro, Fiona Fidler, Marissa McBride, Mark Burgman, Louisa Flander, Geoff Saw, Charles Twardy, Aidan Lyon, and Brian Manning
Submissions from 2011
Programmable logic controller based Fibre Bragg Grating in-ground intrusion detection system, Gary Allwood, Graham Wild, and Steven Hinckley
Case studies: A security science research methodology, Bill Bailey
Security risk management in the Asia Pacific region: what are security professional using?, David J. Brooks and Hamish Cotton
Mapping the organizational relations within physical security’s body of knowledge: a management heuristic of sound theory and best practice, Richard Coole and David J. Brooks
A strategy to articulate the facility management knowledge categories within the built environment, Robert Doleman and David J. Brooks
Is there a core set of skills for visual analysis across different imaging technologies?, Craig HM Donald
Individualised responses to vigilance demands and their management, Fiona M. Donald and Craig HM Donald
Entitativity and ideology: a grounded theory of disengagement, Kira J. Harris
Wi-Fi security: wireless with confidence, Lucas Jacob, Damien Hutchinson, and Jemal Abawajy
Information evaluation: how one group of intelligence analysts go about the task, John Joseph and Jeff Corkill
An exploration of 1st and 2nd generation CPTED for end of year school leavers at Rottnest Island, John Letch, Ellice McGlinn, Johnathon F. Bell, Emma Downing, and David M. Cook
Intelligence analysis and threat assessment: towards a more comprehensive model of threat, Charles Vandepeer
Submissions from 2010
A Comparison of Laboratory and Vulnerability Evaluation Methods for the Testing Security Equipment, Benjamin Beard and David J. Brooks
Organisational Resilience: A Propositional Study to Understand and Identify the Essential Concepts, Bruce Braes and David Brooks
Assessing Vulnerabilities of Biometric Readers Using an Applied Defeat Evaluation Methodology, David Brooks
National Security: A Propositional Study to Develop Resilience Indicators as an Aid to Personnel Vetting, David Brooks, Jeff Corkill, Julie-Ann Pooley, Lynne Cohen, Cath Ferguson, and Craig Harmes
Defining the Security Professional: Definition through a Body of Knowledge, Mel Griffiths, David J. Brooks, and Jeffrey Corkill
Chemical Plume Tracing by Discrete Fourier Analysis and Particle Swarm Optimization, Eugene Jun Jie Neo and Eldin Wee Chuan Lim
Terrorism in Australia: A Psychometric Study into the Western Australian Public Perception of Terrorism, Richard Sargent and David J. Brooks
Criminal Intelligence Career Development – Supporting the Case for Integration and Inclusion, Wayne Snell
Submissions from 2009
Consensual security risk assessment: Overcoming bias, conflicting interests and parochialism, Benjamin Beard and David J. Brooks
Defeating biometric fingerprint systems: An applied testing methodology, David J. Brooks
Security Decay: An entropic approach to definition and understanding, Michael Coole and David J. Brooks
Professional Intelligence Judgement Artistry: Some early observations, Jeff Corkill
Information overload: CCTV, your networks, communities and crime, Vandra Harris and Crispin Harris
Firearm forensics based on ballistics cartridge case image segmentation using colour invariants, Dongguang Li
Terror attacks: Understanding social risk views between Singaporean lay and security practitioners, Yam Hong Loo and David J. Brooks
Energy security: An Australian nuclear power industry, Geoff I. Swan