Exhibition floor talk | Herenow 2023 In-Between-ness


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Exhibition floor talk | Herenow 2023 In-Between-ness


Edith Cowan University


School of Arts and Humanities; ECU Galleries


Artist/ Curator | Dr Harrison SEE | HERENOW 23 In-Between-ness

Artists | Patricia AMORIM I Kelsey ASHE I Yvette DUNN-MOSES I Marcia ESPINOSA I Shanti GELMI I Sue LEEMING I Desmond MAH I Leonie Ngahula MANSBRIDGE I Matthew MCALPINE I Lea TAYLOR

Exhibition Statement | HERENOW is a snapshot of current visual arts practice in Perth, right here and right now! Its focus is provided by an emerging curator keen to develop the complex skills, insights, and sensibilities required to curate an exhibition in a public gallery. Bringing those skills into play and delivering an exhibition that showcases a group of artists whose work they admire and wish to promote is not an easy task. And it is one that is best achieved by doing, in tandem with professional colleagues. Learning the ropes by taking the strain, setting a course, and tackling the challenges that inevitably arise requires courage, commitment, and guidance. Its multiple facets of operation must be coordinated with intricate care. For an aspiring curator, this can be daunting, so the HERE&NOW exhibition series1 was established in 2012 at the ‘Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery’ to provide that experience and enable an emerging curator to capture that vibrancy across current practice within an area of focus within the visual arts. Re-named HERENOW, the project moved to Edith Cowan University’s ‘ECU Galleries’ in 2021.

The ECU campus is the perfect venue for experimentation and re-imagining what exhibitions might be and how they can inform, challenge, and provide fresh insights into our world. Within a University that celebrates the diversity of perspectives and creativity of young artists across all disciplines in the arts, HERENOW is a window into the energy, excitement, and vision of the next generation of creative individuals who are shaping our world. The added dimension to this project is the vision of an emerging curator with links to a community of artists they know well. As a result, the exhibition showcases their achievements and provides a local context for their practice. For the first HERENOW|21 Rose Barton focused on the work of regionally based craft practitioners. And in 2022 Isaac Huggins identified a group of artists “challenging the distinction between art and life by finding beauty in the mundane”. HERENOW|22: Outside In explored the possibility of fostering a dialogue about the devastating impact of consumerism and creating a sustainable future for the planet.

Additional Information

Exhibition dates: 2 February to 30 March 2023 | Curatorial mentor, floor talk: Wednesday, 1 March 12:30pm–1:30pm

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