Exhibition floor talk | New old...Old new


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Exhibition Floor Talk | New old...Old new


Edith Cowan University


School of Arts and Humanities; ECU Galleries


Exhibition Statement | New Old… Old New is an extension of my arts practice of re-purposing materials that we consider past their use-by-date.

We have been economically conditioned into consuming then discarding, rather than having something repaired or reprocessed. This societal behavior has made me think long and hard about what we do with these ‘throw aways’. What started out as a way to create artistic pieces by repurposing, has turned into deeper way of behaving both when I’m creating and also in how I live with regards to my own refuse.

As I am exploring recyclable material my mind goes into this creative, turbulent mode. There is a certain excitement in imagining what this upcycle could be. It has been my ambition to produce a couple of largescale pieces for quite a while and this invitation to ECU has given me the chance to create them. Old bed mattresses, dumped rusty cars, timber, and metal from discarded equipment. These are all an opportunity in my thinking process.

I tend to collect an item and then explore the opportunities that come with it. For instance, I first collected an old mattress from the side of the road just to see how it was made and what the components look and feel like. This curiosity turned into the making of numerous baitballs and other kinetic sculptures.

I also collected some old truck fenders. I thought what if i could cut the same shape off each side as a mirror image and then weld them together. The idea worked so well on a small scale that I decided to extend it into doing the same thing on an entire car. The fender idea was great, but to scale up this concept was always going to be a logistical challenge.
These two examples show how the material and my mind connect in a innovative way. I see the material and it communicates to me about where creatively I can go.

In “New Old… Old New” I have put together a selection of pieces showcasing imaginative works through the use of societal waste.

Artist Bio | Richard Aitken’s sculptural practice is inspired by uncovering ways to recycle discarded objects. He has a unique ability to see artistic opportunities and subsequently forming these objects into interesting creative pieces.

Since 2013, Richard has won 11 varied awards using a diverse range of materials and techniques, most recently being the Major Prize at Castaways Sculpture Awards. In mid-2023 he became a full-time artist and in September held his first solo exhibition at Gallows Gallery, Mosman Park. Richard has always used his natural thought process in endeavoring to follow his organic sense, with strong connections to the earth, nature, and repurposing.

Additional Information

Exhibition dates: 5 September to 9 October 2024 | Floor talk: Wednesday 2 October 12:30pm–1:30pm

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