"The Development of the Collaborative Intelligent Computer-Assisted Ins" by W Arreerard, S Sanrach et al.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Edith Cowan University, Western Australia in association with Khon Kaen University, Thailand and Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, Thailand.


EDU-COM 2006 International Conference. Engagement and Empowerment: New Opportunities for Growth in Higher Education, Edith Cowan University, Perth Western Australia, 22-24 November 2006.


The purpose of this research was to construct the CICAI model, to develop the lessons based on the CICAI model, to compare the achievement of students who learned with the developed lessons to students who had a regular class and to survey the satisfaction of students with the developed lessons, and 5) assess a thinking-skill process after learning with the developed lessons. The research instruments used were five rating-scale questionnaire and achievement test. The sample subjects were ten experts and sixty students. The research statistics used were mean, standard deviation and t-test. Results of the research were as follows: According to the opinions of the experts toward the CICAI model, it was found that the average degree of the opinions was high (mean = 4.44), S.D. = 0.57). In regard the average degree of the opinions of the experts toward the developed lessons was high (mean= 4.37, S.D. = 0.54). According to the comparison of students‘ achievement, it indicated that the scores of the experimental group (mean = 79.10) and the controlled group (mean = 62.30) were significantly different. The average degree of students‘ satisfaction with the developed lessons was high (mean = 4.55, S.D. = 0.62). In regard to a thinking-skill process, it indicated that the score of the thinking-skill process after learning with the developed lessons (mean = 28.37) was significantly higher than before learning with the developed lessons (mean = 12.40) at .the 0.05 level. In conclusion, the findings indicate that the CICAI model is an efficient model, and the effectiveness of the model is a basic standard criterion of the CICAI model. Further study, the CICAI model will be applied to a new different group of students such as level of education, major study, age, sex, etc.

