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The purposes of the study were to: i) gain further understanding of the movement patterns during surfing using custom made GPS units which are designed for surfing (SurfTraX, Gold Coast, Australia), and ii) determine the validity and inter-unit reliability of these units.
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School of Medical and Health Sciences
Sports Sciences
Recommended Citation
Farley, Oliver; Andrews, M; Secomb, Josh; Tran, Tai T.; Lundgren, Lina; Abbiss, Chris; and Sheppard, Jeremry, "The validity and inter-unit reliability of custom-made SurfTraX GPS units and use during surfing" (2014). ECU Posters.
This poster was originally published at:
Farley, O. R. L., Andrews, M., Secomb, J. L., Tran, T. T., Lundgren, L., Abbiss, C., & Sheppard, J. M. (2014). The validity and inter-unit reliability of custom-made SurfTraX GPS units and use during surfing. Poster presented at the Australian Strength and Conditioning Association Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.