Teaching science creatively: Engaging primary teacher education students with interactive whiteboard technology

Document Type

Journal Article


Common Ground Publishing

Place of Publication



Faculty of Education and Arts


School of Education / Centre for Schooling and Learning Technologies




Murica, K. (2008). Teaching science creatively: Engaging primary teacher education students with interactive whiteboard technology. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 3(3), 45-52.

Available here


Developing scientific literacy drove the teaching and learning experiences provided to pre-service primary education teachers. The aim was to engage and motivate these students to explore science's role in making sense of our world. Active science learning connected to social contexts was facilitated in workshops by the use of interactive whiteboard technology. The technology facilitated the development of creative teaching resources that linked internet sites and on-line activities with hands on science investigations. The interactive whiteboard became a catalyst that engaged students in creative learning experiences. It enabled fluid access to real life science contexts, supported a range of learning styles and when used appropriately placed students at the centre of the learning. The motivation for creativity was the desire to improve learning experiences for students who were often intimidated and disengaged with science. This paper shares the reflective process that generated creative interactive science pedagogy. Furthermore, student feedback is provided as evidence for the observed benefits of using interactive whiteboard technology in science teaching and learning.
