Tuning into Podcasts: Collaborative Research into the Value-Adding Nature of Podcasts in Teacher Education
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Faculty of Education and Arts
School of Education / Centre for Schooling and Learning Technologies
This paper documents the processes and findings of a collaborative research project that was implemented across six units of study during two semesters in an undergraduate teacher education course. During this period, podcasts were produced and broadcast to purposely increase student reflection and involvement in their own learning processes. These podcasts included question and answer sessions, teacher student and student-student conversations, lecture presentations, sununaries and reviews. Students were provided with opportunities to contribute to and nominate the content of these podcasts. Data were gathered and analysed from both the students' and the teachers' perspective about the perceived effectiveness of podcasts. Findings from this data were considered especially in terms of the value-adding nature of podcasts in undergraduate courses to better engage students. Finally, the research study's results will be compared with findings from other recent studies using podcasts for educational purposes.
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Northcote, M. T., Marshall, L. , Dobozy, E. , Swan, P. A., & Mildenhall, P. M. (2007). Tuning into podcasts: Collaborative research into the value-adding nature of podcasts in teacher education. Proceedings of Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA) Conference. (pp. 1-14). Wollongong. ATEA. Available here