Assessing the effects of in-school point of purchase and sampling on the choice of a healthy food option
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Faculty of Business and Public Management
School of Marketing, Tourism and Leisure
This study provides the results of a multiple observation period experiment undertaken at a primary school canteen in Australia. The experiment was designed to determine the effects of sampling, subtle promotion, and availability of healthy food in children's preferences and purchases of canteen food. The results support previous research into the effect of advertising on children's preferences but go beyond this to look at the effect of alternative promotional tools on actual purpose. Evidence from the study suggests that the availability and promotion of a healthy food product can reduce the purchase and consumption of other "less healthy" options. This effect, however, was short-lived.
Rexha, D., Mizerski, K., & Mizerski, R. (2005). Assessing the effects of in-school point of purchase and sampling on the choice of a healthy food option. Marketing Theory and Applications, 99.