Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
School of Engineering and Mathematics / Centre for Communications Engineering Research
This paper describes the VLSI implementation of a skin detector based on a neural network. The proposed skin detector uses a multilayer perception with three inputs, one hidden layer, one output neuron and a saturating linear activation function to simplify the hardware implementation. The skin detector achieves a classification accuracy of 88.76%. To reduce mismatch associated errors, a single skin detection processing unit is used to classify all pixels of the input RGB image. The current-mode fully analog skin detection processing circuitry only performs computations during the read-out phase, enabling real-time processing. Fully programmable, the proposed skin detection processing circuitry allows for the external control of all classifier parameters to compensate for mismatch and changing lighting conditions
Access Rights
This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of: Boussaid , F., Bouzerdoum , A., & Chai, D. K. (2005). VLSI implementation of a skin detector based on a neural network. Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing. (pp. 1605 - 1608). Thailand. IEEE. Available here
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