Marketing asthma services with threat appeals: A useful interaction between practice and research

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Faculty of Business and Public Management


School of Marketing, Tourism and Leisure




Henley, N., & Hurd, J. (2003). Marketing asthma services with threat appeals: A useful interaction between practice and research. Academy of Marketing Annual Conference 2003.


This paper reports the interaction between a health promotion practitioner and a social marketing researcher in threat appeals. The practitioner had been advised to develop a strong threat appeal strategy to raise awareness of the seriousness of asthma and to promote the range of services provided by the Asthma Foundation of Western Australia. Preliminary ideas included the use of a death threat appeal, reporting a child dying from asthma. Following discussions with the researcher, mothers of children under 14 who had asthma were consulted about this strategy. Mothers expressed avoidance responses to the death threat appeal. A moderate but more appropriate threat appeal was chosen, using the threat of distress / inconvenience of treatment and hospital visits.

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