Use of graphics calculators in school tests and examinations
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
School of Engineering
This paper reports on the outcomes of one component of a study carried out during 2001 to assess the impact of graphics calculator use on Year 12 school-based assessment in a situation where access to the calculator is assumed in the external tertiary entrance examination. The focus of the paper is on test and examination items that form part of the school-based assessment programs contributing to a student's final grade in the Western Australian Year 12 Tertiary Entrance Examination (TEE) subject Applicable Mathematics. Assessment items developed by participating schools during 2001 for use with Applicable Mathematics were collected and coded. While it was found that each of the participating schools was incorporating use of graphics calculators into questions to approximately the same extent, there was a wide variety of usage apparent within some curriculum components. This suggests there is scope for wider incorporation of the technology.
Forster, P., Mueller, U., Malone, J., & Haimes, D. (2002). Use of graphics calculators in school tests and examinations. MERGA25:Mathematics Education in the South Pacific (Vol 1 & Vol 2). Auckland, New Zealand.