Upgrading technology teachers by distance

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Faculty of Community Services, Education and Social Sciences


School of Education




Williams, P. J. (2001). Upgrading technology teachers by distance. In Proceedings of 2001 AARE International Education Research Conference. Fremantle, Australia.


As more countries around the world recognise the increasing importance of technology in society, there is a corresponding resurgence of interest in technology as a school subject, and in many instances, a core subjects compulsory for all students. As an area of academic interest, technology has a comparatively short tradition. The outcome of this in smaller countries is that it is not as well catered for in the higher education sector, including teacher training. A common example of this situation is where technology teachers are trained to a certain level, for example a two year diploma, and the provision is not available in the country to train beyond that, say to a bachelors degree level. This paper will describe an approach that has been developed and implemented in a number of countries to meet this need. It will outline the principles of course design, the mixed mode of delivery (distance and onsite) which has been found to suit both the course requirements and the clients, and some of the issues of course delivery derived from program and subject evaluations related to foreign currency, cultural contextualization of the curriculum, local coordination and resources.

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