Application of importance-performance analysis in Hong Kong model in tour guides performance: evidence from mainland Chinese outbound visitors
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Marketing, Tourism and Leisure
Using the lmportance-Pe1formance Analysis (IPA) model, this study assesses the performance of Hong Kong's tour guides as perceived by mainland Chinese outbound visitors. Twenty pertinent tour guide service quality attributes are identified. The results of IPA illustrate that Hong Kong's tour guides performed well in 11 out of the 20 service quality attributes, in areas mainly related to their professional skills, reliability and language ability (Keep Up the Good Work quadrant), while the problem-solving ability of Hong Kong's tour guides fell into the Concentrate Here quadrant. The study illustrates that the IPA model as a useful managerial tool can be applied in identifying areas to which marketing resources should be allocated in order to improve and enhance the quality of tour guide services provided.
Zhang, H. Q., Mao, Y., & Chow, I. (2004). Application of importance-performance analysis in Hong Kong model in tour guides performance: evidence from mainland Chinese outbound visitors. In proceedings of Tourism: State of the Art II. England, New Zealand: The University of Strathclyde.