Predicting future behaviour from past experience: Evidence from outbound Chinese tourists to Hong Kong
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Marketing, Tourism and Leisure
This study aimed to investigate how the satisfactory experience of Mainland Chinese visitors affects their behavior intention towards Hong Kong tourism industry. Eight underlying dimensions have been derived from visitors' perception towards their experience in Hong Kong. The study found that first-time visitors and repeated visitors were significantly different on their perception of experience and their behavior intention. Three determinants were identified as strong indicators of Mainland Chinese visitors' revisit intention and four were found as indicators of their recommendation intention.
Mao, Y., Zhang, H. Q., & Qu, H. (2005). Predicting future behaviour from past experience: Evidence from outbound Chinese tourists to Hong Kong. In Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Student Research in Tourism. Honolulu, Hawaii: University of Hawaii at Manoa.