Learning Adventures in Practice: 'Bumpy' Beginnings to PBL Implementation
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
The Catholic Education Office of WA
Faculty of Education and Arts
School of Education / Fogarty Learning Centre
While project and/or problem-based learning have been well established in medical and engineering education, this pedagogical approach has yet to be adopted more widely in teacher education (TE) and subsequently in K-12 classrooms. The reluctance of educators to embrace this pedagogical tool is due, in part, to numerous challenges experienced by teachers and students when switching from traditional teacher-directed and content-heavy pedagogies to more flexible, student-directed learning and teaching approaches. In this paper, we describe the implementation process of PBL in a compulsory curriculum unit in a Western Australian Bachelor of Education program and the 'lessons learnt'. As TE students are being introduced to student-centred learning, not simply as yet another theoretical concept and one of many pedagogical strategies, but as an actual• learning experience, the fear of the unknown is provoking many to retreat and disengage. Some students are questioning the validity of this approach noting that it is 'not real teaching'. Through rich illustration of problems encountered, we will point to the need for targeted academic support as TE students journey towards lifelong, independent learning about the changing nature of teaching
Dobozy, E. , & Michael, M. P. (2009). Learning adventures in practice: 'Bumpy' beginnings to PBL implementation. Proceedings of The Catholic Education Office of WA annual conference. (pp. 1-12). Perth. The Catholic Education Office of WA.