"Call Admission Control Scheme for Improved Quality of Service in WiMAX" by Iftekhar Ahmad and Daryoush Habibi

Document Type

Conference Proceeding




Faculty of Computing, Health and Science


School of Engineering / Centre for Communications Engineering Research




This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of: Ahmad, I. , & Habibi, D. (2010). Call Admission Control Scheme for Improved Quality of Service in WiMAX Communication at Vehicular Speeds. Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunication Networks. (pp. 1-6). . Miami, USA. IEEE. Available here

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The IEEE 802.16e standard, also known as mobile WiMAX, has emerged as an exciting mobile wireless communication technology that promises to offer both high throughput and guaranteed quality of service (QoS). Call admission control (CAC) scheme serves as a useful tool for WiMAX, which ensures that resources are not overcommitted and thereby, all existing connections enjoy guaranteed QoS. Existing CAC schemes largely depend on readily available information like currently available resources and bandwidth demand of the new call while making an acceptance or rejection decision once a new request arrives. Since wireless channels are not as reliable as wired communication, CAC scheme in WiMAX communication faces a serious challenge of making a right estimate of the usable channel capacity (i.e., effective throughput capacity) while computing the available resources in various communication scenarios. Existing CAC schemes do not consider the impact of mobility at vehicular speeds when computing the usable link capacity and available resources. In this paper, we propose a new CAC scheme that estimates the usable link capacity for WiMAX communication at various vehicular speeds and uses this information while making a CAC decision. The proposed CAC scheme takes the speed distribution model of a mobile node into account during the CAC decision making process. Simulation results confirm that the proposed scheme achieves lower dropping rate and improved QoS compared to existing schemes.



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