Quality in teaching and learning: making it happen: the proceedings of the teaching & learning forum
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Educational Development Unit, Edith Cowan University
Place of Publication
Perth, Western Australia
Educational Development Unit
These papers represent the proceedings of the third Teaching and Learning Forum to be conducted in Perth, the first two by Curtin University and this one by Edith Cowan University....
The Forum was organised around three major themes - or at least it was in the beginning! Papers that were presented, and the discussion that was generated, led us to concede that there was really a great deal of interaction between the themes, which were:
• ways of defining quality
• working towards quality
• evaluating quality
Accordingly, we have not attempted to designate papers as being solely or even predominantly within any one of the themes. Rather, we present them in alphabetical order with outlines of workshops and short presentations taking their place alongside research papers- as was the case at the Forum.
Quality teaching and learning making it happen_Part3.pdf (8622 kB)
Summers, L.(Ed.). (1994). Quality teaching and learning: making it happen: the proceedings of the teaching & learning forum. Perth, Australia: Educational Development Unit, Edith Cowan University.