Document Type
Edith Cowan University
Place of Publication
Perth, Western Australia
This Unit Two focuses on the development of search strategies in using CD-ROM encyclopedias. A thorough introduction to the basics of searching with Boolean logical operators is provided in Unit One. CD-ROM encyclopedia publishers not only update their products annually but some now provide monthly online updating facilities from the Internet. In this very dynamic environment it is rather difficult to evaluate their search facilities as improvements take place constantly.
The Unit develops strategies to take full advantage of the text and multimedia materials stored in the various indexes of an electronic encyclopedia, as well as methods for evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of its search engines from an information retrieval perspective. Hands-on experience will be an important part of this Unit. These exercises can be conducted independently by the user.
Wagner, G., (1996). Upgrading search strategy skills: unit two: developing search strategies for CD-ROM encyclopedias: a continuing professional development course for library and information service managers. Perth, Australia: Edith Cowan University.