Document Type
Western Australian College of Advanced Education
Place of Publication
Churchlands, Western Australia
Institute of Applied Aboriginal Studies / Western Australian College of Advanced Education
An enclave is the territory of a minority group found contained within the territory of a larger group. When the first enclave was started at Mount Lawley College in 1976, it was seen as a place where Aboriginal students could retreat from the hustle and bustle of College life to be with people they felt comfortable with, and refresh themselves for return to the wider world again. A second enclave was established at the Nedlands Campus in 1982, an external one at Broome in 1983 and in 1985 new enclaves have been established at Churchlands, Claremont and Carnarvon. In 1986 an enclave at the new Bunbury Institute of Advanced Education commenced operation. Also 1986 is the year for the establishment of a new off campus centre to commence in 1987 at Kununurra. Within the enclave students get support from each other and from staff; have a place to work on assignments or take tutorials with their personal tutor, and have facilities for making tea and coffee etc.
As they become confident about aspects of college life which might at first have seemed strange or intimidating, most students involve themselves fully in all aspects of college life, mixing with non-Aboriginal students and using college facilities in the same way as other students.
The enclave facilities are available throughout the length of a student's course. By the end of the first year all students are expected to have gained experience and confidence in relation to college and student life. Consequently, enclave staff services tend to concentrate on each year's new intake of students...
Forrest, S., & Pead, C. (1986). The first ten years: Aboriginal enclaves tenth anniversary. Churchlands, Australia: Institute of Applied Aboriginal Studies, Western Australian College of Advanced Education.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this document may contain references to people who have died.