Evaluation of the provision for a university health service as part of the quality assurance process
Document Type
Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation Laboratory, Edith Cowan University
Place of Publication
Perth, Western Australia
Universities within Australia are facing increasing demands to demonstrate quality in both product and process by ensuing that their aims are met efficiently and effectively. As part of the quality assurance process for Edith Cowan University, a multi-campus institution, an evaluation was undertaken to monitor the effectiveness of the University health service and its significance within the University community. Responses from both staff and students to a survey conducted during August 1993 on behalf of the Department of Medical and Health Services indicate a high level of support for this service. This Report provides an overview of the evaluation study and from this perspective, the important role of the Department as perceived by its clients is presented. Details relating to the operation of the Department in terms of its campus facilities and range of services will be presented in future reports in this series. Besides the immediate summative information available, this evaluation also raises issues of a formative nature for addressing the future operation and planning of the Department within the broader context of the University community.
Chandler, R., & Sheridan, B. (1993). Evaluation of the provision for a university health service as part of the quality assurance process. Perth, Australia: Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation Laboratory, Edith Cowan University.