Document Type



Small and Medium Enterprise Research Centre, Edith Cowan University

Place of Publication

Churchlands, Western Australia


Faculty of Business


Small and Medium Enterprise Research Centre


Huang, X., Brown, A., Morris, R. & Chapman, B. (1998). Helping and servicing regional small businesses: an evaluation of the Business Grow Program in the South West region of Western Australia. Churchlands, Australia: Small and Medium Enterprise Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.


In October 1997 the Edith Cowan University was invited to evaluate the performance of the Business Grow Program. The program commenced on July 1, 1995, and its evaluation, scheduled to be completed by April 1998, has been undertaken to assess the performance of the Program since its instigation.

The evaluation team has relied substantially on information provided by small business owners, local government representatives, industry associations, and the manager of the Program. The evaluation team would like to thank Kate Loughton for her assistance in facilitating the administration of this project.

The evaluation was undertaken by Small and Medium Enterprise Research Centre (SMERC). The team consisted of Dr Xueli (Charles) Huang, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at SMERC, Associate Professor Alan Brown, Director of SMERC, Barry Chapman, Graduate and Higher Degree Coordinator, and Robyn Morris, Senior Lecturer in Faculty of Business and Head of Business Program, Bunbury campus.

SMERC is the principal research centre in the Faculty of Business at Edith Cowan University and harnesses the SME expertise of the staff in the Faculty.


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