Document Type



Edith Cowan University

Place of Publication

Churchlands, Western Australia


Milligan, S., & Genoni, L. (1993). A report of an evaluation of the Women in Leadership Program Edith Cowan University. Churchlands, Australia: Edith Cowan University.


In the early 1950s Australia had only a handful of universities in Australia serving a student body of less than 50 000. Of every 100 who went to school fewer than five went on to university. Now Australia's 40 or more universities make up a mass system which takes in more than a fifth of the age group. There are more than half a million university students.

This remarkable growth has been accompanied by considerable turbulence within the universities. Along with massive expansion, universities have experienced staff shortages, criticisms of teaching quality and research priorities, demands for greater public accountability, increased competition for research support, shrinking per capita funding and badly stretched physical plant and facilities.

There is no sign that the level and pace of change in universities will change in the 1990s. The university sector will continue to grow and to have more new tasks and problems than resources. In these circumstances effective university leadership will be vital...
