Document Type



Western Australian College of Advanced Education

Place of Publication

Doubleview, Western Australia


Partington, G. (Ed.) (1987). Multicultural education : a book of readings. Doubleview, Australia : Western Australian College of Advanced Education.


The problem of obtaining texts with material relevant to the core course in Aboriginal and Multicultural Education in the W.A. College led me to suggest a book of readings selected by those teaching the course. Obviously this was a trap for the unwary, for the diversity of recommendations that I received meant that unless the book was to be of mammoth proportions, some lecturers were bound to be disappointed. This was compounded by difficulties in tracking down authors to obtain their permission in time to publish.

Even so, it is anticipated that the collection of readings finally assembled will contribute to teaching the course. It is, as the introduction suggests should be the case, an eclectic collection of articles with no one guiding philosophy. Aboriginal and Multicultural Education is such a diverse field, the adoptions of a single viewpoint when preparing teachers would be unrealistic.
