Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Edith Cowan University
Place of Publication
Perth, Western Australia
Metcalf, S., Standing, & C. Williams, M.
Faculty of Business
The depth and variety of papers in this volume are a testament to the applicability of systems thinking to a wide range of problems. The complexity of modern management demands approaches that take into account not only difficult technical challenges, but also the various views and perceptions of those involved in the problem situation. The following papers are a small subset of the work being done to rise to this challenge. Systems methodologies and techniques will shape the future. They provide an avenue to attempt to solve the myriad of environmental, social, business, and technical problems that face us. Systems approaches help us to understand the basis of many present dilemmas. This understanding plus associated techniques make system "science" a discipline for the future.
Systems for the future_Part3.pdf (10774 kB)
Systems for the future_Part4.pdf (8210 kB)
Hutchinson, W., Metcalf, S., Standing, C., & Williams, M. (1995). Systems for the future: proceedings of the Australian systems conference. Perth, Australia: Edith Cowan University.