Document Type



Edith Cowan University

Place of Publication

Perth, Western Australia


Pike, L.


Smith, C., & Pike, L. (Eds.). (1994). Work and family: bibliography: 1969 - 1994. Perth, Australia: Edith Cowan University.


1994 was designated by the United Nations as International Year of the Family, with the theme for the year as Family: resources and responsibilities in a changing world. The Year of the Family was intended to stimulate international national and local actions to strengthen families as 'the smallest democracy at the heart of society'...

...Edith Cowan University recognised the International Year of the Family by undertaking a range of activities designed to promote discussion and debate. The range of activities recognised the University's role as an educator, employer and community member. This Bibliography represents just one of the activities undertaken by Edith Cowan University in 1994.

The majority of adults, including those with dependent children, are now in paid employment, leading to a new partnership in the income-earning tasks of family is emerging. Of particular significance is the increase in women's participation in the paid workforce over the past three decades. This has generated important national and international research contributions, especially in the areas of employment, careers and family life...
