Document Type
Centre for Ecosystem Management, Edith Cowan University
Place of Publication
Perth, Western Australia
Kinnear, A., & Garnett, P.
Centre for Ecosystem Management
Wetlands worldwide are continually threatened by urbanisation and Western Australia is no exception. Since European settlement in 1829, it has been estimated that at least 75% of the wetlands of the Swan Coastal Plain have disappeared (Halse, 1988). The remaining 25% continue to be threatened by eutrophication and pollution, changes in hydrology and water level patterns, clearing of riparian vegetation, aesthetic disruption and weed invasion (CALM, 1980; Davis and Rolls, 1987; Wrigley et al., 1991; Balla and Davis, 1995). These degradation components are interrelated and largely the consequence of the extensive removal of surrounding vegetation...
Kinnear, A., Garnett, P., Bekle, H., & Upton, K. (1997). Yellagonga wetlands: a study of the water chemistry and aquatic fauna. Perth, Australia: Centre for Ecosystem Management, Edith Cowan University.