Document Type
Western Australian College of Advanced Education
Place of Publication
Perth, Western Australia
Additional Information
On the evening of 5 August 1980 the WAIER held a seminar on Societal Change and its Impact on Education. This seminar was an opportunity for members to develop a Western Australian perspective on the issues to be raised at the ACER's Golden Jubilee Year Invitational Conference held on 28-29 August 1980. The conference papers were pubIished in Peter Karmel (Ed.). Education, Change and Society. Melbourne. ACER: 1981. The presentations to the WAIER seminar are made available here because, while covering similar issues to the conference papers, the issues remain significant and are presented in a distinctive and condensed form.
The purpose of the ACE R conference was to focus attention on the interaction between economic, demographic, political and social change and the education system. Karmel (1981, p.viii) stated that "In any period of change, the traditional roles of major social institutions come into question, and education is not immune from such a re-examination. The process of examining the interaction between education and changes in the wider society can be viewed as comprising four inter-related stages:
a consideration of the traditional role of education in society;
an identification of the types of changes which society is likely to experience;
an examination of the Iikely 'impact' of social change upon education;
a reconsideration of the form and function of education in the Iight of change in society."
Haynes, B. (Ed.). Societal change and its impact on education: presentations to the WAIER seminar 1980. Perth, Australia: Western Australian College of Advanced Education.