Document Type
Mathematics, Science & Technology Education Centre, Edith Cowan University
Place of Publication
Perth, Western Australia
Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Centre
Teaching mathematics has traditionally followed a standard pattern across the world. Students are placed in classrooms where they are seated individually, are required to listen passively and observe the teacher demonstrating mathematical procedure and then s1 end extensive time practicing the newly acquired ski ll s. Generally the content being taught comprises mathematical facts and skills taught sequentially in the order presented by a textbook. Students are then assessed by unseen pencil and paper tests for the purpose of grading and ranking. This cycle is then repeated with another mathematical topic which is viewed by students as discrete from the previous one. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics offers a new vision of mathematics teaching and learning...
Herrington, T., Sparrow, L., Herrington, J., & Oliver, R. (1997). Investigating teaching strategies in mathematics classrooms : a CD-ROM resource enabling teachers to explore teaching strategies in mathematics education. Perth, Australia: Edith Cowan University.