Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Western Australian College of Advanced Education

Place of Publication

Perth, Western Australia


McGinty, Suzanne


Harvey, B., & McGinty, S. (1988). Learning my way : papers from the National Conference on Adult Aboriginal Learning. Perth, Autralia: Western Australian College of Advanced Education.


The National Conference 'Learning My Way' has made a significant contribution to the promotion of issues concerning Aboriginal adult learning styles. Staff at the Department of Aboriginal and lntercultural Studies at the Western Australian College of Advanced Education co-ordinated the input. They were responsible for taking ideas beyond the embryonic stage and shaping these into a conference format.

Aboriginal participation was very strong at the conference. It was gratifying to find that Aboriginal people made up seventy percent of the five hundred in attendance. Also it is important to point out, that of the eight five papers presented, seventy three percent came from Aboriginal contributors.

Most importantly this conference was structured so that everyone had a chance to have their say. Moreover it was crucial for Aboriginal people to put forward what was important to them and to say this in an atmosphere free of academic formality.

This collection then is a joint venture between the Institute of Applied Aboriginal Studies and the Department of Aboriginal and Intercultural Studies. It stands in place of what would have been the 1988 edition of the Institute's Journal 'Wikaru'.

This book deserves a wide audience and I thank all the contributors and others. To those people inside and outside of Australia who were not exposed to the conference proceedings, this book will provide you with a measure of the strength and direction in which Aboriginal Australians are moving. So it gives me great pleasure to recommend 'Learning My Way' as a means of keeping the voices alive.
