
Jefferson Lee

Document Type



Centre for Asian Communication, Media and Cultural Studies, Edith Cowan University

Place of Publication

Perth, Western Australia


Faculty of Arts


Centre for Asian Communication, Media and Cultural Studies


Lee, J. (1995). Reporting Cambodia. in the Australian Media: 'Heroic' Journalism or 'Neo-Colonial' Distortions? Perth, Australia: Centre for Asian Communication, Media and Cultural Studies, Edith Cowan University.


This series of Occasional Papers is designed to bring to the attention of the reader work that focuses on Asian communication and culture. Compared to most areas of Asian Studies, communication and media have been largely ignored, a fact the recent Australian 'push into Asia' reveals. These Occasional Papers redress this absence and deal with a comprehensive range of issues that inform our understanding of the importance of communication in forging links between Australia and Asia. Consequently their scope is far-reaching, covering cultural, political, economic, and increasingly, technological topics and their relationship to the communication process that lies at the heart of Australian/Asian relations. In short, they will chart a new emerging mediascape in the Asia Pacific region. As such they must be viewed as work in progress. The authors published in this series include academics, journalists and post-graduate students from Australia and throughout Asia.


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