Document Type



Western Australian College of Advanced Education

Place of Publication

Perth, Western Australia


Carr, J., & Colyer, S. (1990). Computers in recreation and sport management. Perth, Australia: Western Australian College of Advanced Education.


This study was undertaken by the Department of Recreation Studies to investigate computer utilisation by sport and recreation professionals in not-for-profit sporting and recreation organisations in Western Australia, with a view to identifying the preparation needed by recreation students.

One hundred and fifty (150) selected organisations from four generic groups (local government, sports adminstration organisations, recreation organisations for special populations and community recreation organisations) were surveyed.

The results revealed a broad range of computer applications, predominantly for administration. The most common applications by all four groups were word processing, database management and financial management. Financial management systems were used more than any other application by professional recreation and sports personnel throughout the course of their employment.

Computer skill training occurred mostly on-the-job. The main barrier to effective computer utilisation was lack of funds, and the most positive contribution of the computer was perceived to be time· efficiency.

All organisations considered computer awareness and competency desirable job selection criteria, reflecting the need for students of recreation and sports administration to be computer literate as a pre-requisite for future employment.
