Document Type
Mount Lawley Teachers College
Place of Publication
Mount Lawley, Western Australia
During 1970, first year students at Mount Lawley Teachers' College undertook a course entitled.An Introduction to the Social Sciences. Courses in Social Science and Social Studies are not new, having been tried with varying degrees of success in other states of Australia and in overseas countries. However, in the course at this college, a multidiscipline approach has been planned, with Metropolitan Perth as the focal point of the study.
Too often, students enter a teachers' college with a 'wad' of factual knowledge about History or Economics or Geography. In the hustle and bustle of preparing for external examinations, they have received little training in the basic concepts, skills and attitudes of the discipline. In this course, much more attention will be given to these basic elements. Furthermore, because other important social science disciplines such as Sociology and Politics receive little attention in the secondary school, it is intended that these subjects will also have their due emphasis in the course. In short, by offering the student a selection of the concepts, techniques and attitudes in the. whole range of the Social Science disciplines, he will become more prepared for his role in the school and in the society at large.
The data presented, has been divided for convenience into the sections of demography, sociology, politics, economics, geography and history. However during the course, the data will be used in a variety of contexts. Sources of the data were predominently the Year Book of Western Australia 1970, the Metropolitan Region Planning Authority and the Bureau of Census and Statistics. However other information was obtained from the University of Western Australia, the West Australian Institute of Technology, and from field work surveys carried out by the writer.
Marsh, C. (1971). Social science source book. Mount Lawley, Australia: Mount Lawley Teachers College.