Document Type
Conference Proceeding
IEEE Computer Society
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
School of Engineering / Centre for Communications Engineering Research
In recent years, a trend has emerged in the use of colour to increase the data capacity of the 2D barcode. However the decoding of such colour barcode can be challenging in a mobile environment due to blurring effect that is commonly found in images captured by camera mobile phone. Blurring affects the synchronisation between the cells. It also causes the colour value of the cell to be wrongly interpreted. Hence, this paper proposes the use of border to improve the synchronisation and decoding. Three different types of border and the choice of its width will be investigated.
Access Rights
This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of: Ong, S. K., Chai, D. K., & Tan, K.T. (2008). The Use of Border in Colour 2D Barcode. Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications . ISPA '08 (pp. 999-1005). Sydney, Australia. IEEE Computer Society. Available here
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