How are the characteristics of Guanxi in SOE evolving under the Chinese market economy: Tracking the roaring dragon hotel, South-West China, 1999-2007
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Management
Guanxi has long been recognised as a core component of achieving success in the Chinese business environment (Luo, 1997a: 1997b; 2000). But as the market economy continues to penetrate and evolve into the Chinese community and economy, how are the characteristics of guanxi evolving or being forced to change to accommodate this evolution? More specifically, as State Owned Enterprises (SOE) continue to adapt and evolve under the new economic conditions, what changes are occurring to the characteristics of the traditional guanxi networks as a result of this evolution?
Grainger, S. (2008). How Are The Characteristics Of Guanxi In SOE Evolving Under The Chinese Market Economy: Tracking The Roaring Dragon Hotel, South-West China, 1999-2007.