Lessons from the past: The historical roots of militant Islamic ideology and its influence on contemporary jihadist movements
Document Type
Book Chapter
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Marketing, Tourism and Leisure
This volume marks an effort by a group of scholars and practitioners to provide a justification for the better understanding of Terrorism’s past and the importance of this past for today and tomorrow. The collection is divided into four sections. Section One places Terrorism Studies and the study of history in context and considers the connections between these fields of study. Section Two is written by non-historians and practitioners who have seen the importance of historical context and perspective in the understanding of current events. Section Three provides case studies that explore the history of terrorism and politically motivated violence. Section Four places concerns about terrorism in regional and foreign policy context.
Aly, A. (2009). Lessons from the past: the historical roots of militant Islamic ideology and its influence on contemporary Jihadist movements. In Doomed to Repeat: Terrorism and the Lessons of History (pp. 115-133). New Academia Publishing.