Is it possible to use passive spectral characteristics of wireless network client devices for forensic identification purposes?
Document Type
Journal Article
SECAU - Security Research Centre, Edith Cowan University
School of Computer and Security Science
There have been attempts by several authors to investigate the possibility of pe1forming forensics on -wireless network devices. This work aimed to determine whether it was - possible to determine with a high degree of certainty that a particular wireless device was responsible for a given transmission. This paper briefly introduces the electromagnetic theory behind radio frequency emission, and then discusses current approaches towards determining an ID of mobile devices. Factors that affect the behaviour of electromagnetic -waves as well as these that participate in the process of radio signals generation are identified, and the current technologies are compared to these factors. Possible reasons for the failure of identification systems which implement electromagnetic signatures are discussed. In conclusion, possible ways of dealing with the issue of wireless NICs identification as well as the technological constraints are explained, but concludes that determination of a wireless device by analysing its transmissions is not possible.
Golygowski, L., Woodward, A.J. (2009). Is it possible to use passive spectral characteristics of wireless network client devices for forensic identification purposes? Journal of Network Forensics. 1(1), 1 - 15.