The effect of an 8-week bilateral or unilateral lower body resistance training program on 20m sprint speed
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Australian Strength and Conditioning Association
Faculty of Health, Engineering and Science
ECU Health and Wellness Institute / Centre for Exercise and Sports Science Research
A critical element of effective program design for athletic training is the mechanical specificity of the selected exercises. Traditionally, exercises such as weightlifting, deadlifts and squats are frequently used due to their ability to use substantial external resistance to develop strength, and their performance relationships to jumping and sprinting. However, jumping and sprinting are rarely performed bilaterally in the sporting arena and while unilateral exercises are deemed more sport specific, they have generally remained confined to rehabilitation programs.
Appleby, B. B., Cormie, P. , Cormack, S., & Newton, R. (2013). The effect of an 8-week bilateral or unilateral lower body resistance training program on 20m sprint speed. Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning, 21(Supplement 2), 28-30.